
Turmeric Is So Beneficial For You

Publicerad 2022-08-11 11:35:38 i Allmänt,

turmeric powder

You might have been told that turmeric has numerous health benefits. And it's true: the spice is gaining a name as a nutritional powerhouse and could help fight Alzheimer's disease, cancer arthritis and depression. Turmeric Powder is a spice that can be present in many Indian dishes. It imparts spicy, warm flavors as well as a golden color. Although turmeric has been around for thousands, it is getting more and more popular. You can find turmeric teas and golden milk, as well as turmeric shots and other nutrition options. Here's what you should know about turmeric's health benefits and how to use it.

Turmeric has many health benefits

Numerous studies have been conducted on the healing properties of curcumin-the active component found in turmeric, in relation to illnesses like cancer, Alzheimer's, arthritis and depression. A majority of studies have turned up positive results, however a number of studies have focused on the effects of supplementing curcumin (extracted from turmeric) instead of eating turmeric in conjunction with food. Also, turmeric is not readily absorbed by our bodies and the majority of studies have been conducted in the lab or in animals, which makes some results more conclusive than others. Here are the most recent advantages of turmeric powder.

Relieves Arthritis

The primary reason for arthritis is not known, however many experts suspect it comes from cartilage getting damaged and inflamed. Turmeric is an effective antioxidant that can eliminate potentially harmful free radicals as well as reduce inflammation. According to recent research, curcumin consumption for just 1 gram per day for 8-12 weeks can reduce arthritis symptoms as well as Ibuprofen. It's about 1/4 cup of turmeric daily that's much more than what you would normally get from food. Researchers have found that patients who suffer from knee arthritis experienced less pain after they received curcumin at a lower dose (180 mg/day), compared to those who received the placebo pill.

Lowers risk of developing Alzheimer's

Turmeric and curcumin may be most famous for their roles in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Multiple animal studies have demonstrated that curcumin can be effective in preventing the accumulation of plaques within brains. However, curcumin must pass the blood-brain-interface to stop the plaque buildup and our digestive system breaks down the curcumin before it is able to do the job. However, in a study on mice, researchers found that inhaling an aerosol version of curcumin bypasses digestion and is able to reach the brain.


Aids in reducing depression

Curcumin can be used to treat depression-related symptoms. When people with major depressive disorders were treated with curcumin supplementation for 8 weeks, they reported feeling better, and curcumin proved to be significantly more effective in reducing mood-related symptoms than placebo.

Could aid in fighting cancer

There's promising research around turmeric's ability to help keep cancer at bay. Several studies conducted in mice suggest that curcumin may be toxic to tumor cells. Although there is a lot of promising research in this field however, it is not an all-purpose cure for all forms of cancer. Other treatments can affect the efficacy of curcumin. One study, published in the Korean Journal of Urology, indicates that curcumin can slow the development of prostate cancer by approximately 27 percent. According to a study that was published in Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology supplementation with curcumin of as much as 8 grams a day can also aid in stopping some brain tumors from becoming larger. Combining the same dose of 8 grams with other cancer medications may help to stop the spread of cancer cells.

In recipes for drinks from the past it is common to add turmeric as a soothing ingredient. Golden milk is a combination of turmeric, milk, sweetener, black pepper , and ginger that has been used in Eastern medicine for years. It was believed to ease congestion and reduce symptoms like coughs.


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